SOLVE was formed in Clear Creek County as a grass roots group of citizens concerned about land-use. It has been around for over 20 years as a non-profit corporation with tax-exempt status. Its basic mission is to promote healthy communities in the county.
SOLVE has been instrumental in a number of accomplishments in the county, including:
* preserving the Beaver Brook Watershed
* preserving the James Peak Wilderness Area
* finding an environmentally responsible solution for the refurbishing of Guanella Pass
* creating a ballot measure that resulting in forming the Open Space Commission
SOLVE activities include:
* researching all aspects of land use issues
* obtaining a balance of natural areas and sustainable development
* advocating realistic alternatives for land use preservation in remote areas
* advising the County policy makers
* promoting the health and safety of residents
* educating the public
SOLVE is neither pro-development nor anti-development. Rather we seek what is best for the overall good of the county.

Save Open Lands,
Vistas and the